R1V2 ros 패키지 베터리 상태 확인 문의

omorobot r1v2, 패키지는 r1d2로 설치하여 운용 중인데, 혹시 r1d2 패키지에는 omo_r1mini 패키지처럼 베터리 상태를 확인할 수 있는 서비스가 없나요?
R1V2는 외부에 베터리상태 표시하는 디스플레이가 있긴 하지만 처음 받았을 때 부터 항상 100%로 표시되고 있는 상태입니다
그래서 현재는 윈도우 테스트프로그램으로 가끔 베터리 상태를 확인중인데
혹시 r1v2 ros패키지(r1d2)에는 베터리 서비스가 없는지, 없다면 어떻게 읽을 수 있는지 문의드립니다

현재 시리얼 통신 $QBAT\r\n 명령어를 통해 배터리량 확인 가능합니다.
외부 배터리 디스플레이는 퍼센트와 볼티지 값이 표시 되고 있지 않으신가요?
퍼센트보다는 볼티지 값을 보고 사용하시는 것이 좋습니다.
완충 되면 보통 28V 정도 표시 되고 24V 이하로 떨어지지 않도록 충전해주시는 것이 좋습니다.

ros 배터리 상태 확인
Ros 지원 명령어
R1mini 와 동일한 부분이 많아 참고 하셔도 좋습니다.
R1에는 Battery.srv 파일이 없으므로 r1mini srv 링크 참고 바랍니다.

답변 감사드립니다!!!
일단 리눅스에서 시리얼통신 프로그램으로 응답 확인했습니다.
외부 배터리 디스플레이에는 볼트값은 정상적으로 출력되는거 같은데 퍼센트값은 항상 100%로 표시되고 있습니다.

제가 잘 몰라서 몇가지 질문 더 드립니다 ㅠㅠ
말씀하신 대로 하려면 제가 이해한게 맞는지요
omo_r1mini_node.py와 omo_r1_motor_node.py가 서로 비슷한 역할을 수행하는거 같은데
omo_r1_bringup/srv/ 에 omo_r1mini_bringup/srv/에 있는 Battery.srv를 넣고
omo_r1_motor_node.py를 omo_r1mini_node.py의 배터리 관련 코드들을 추가만 해주면 되는지요?

네~ 그렇게 사용하시면 됩니다^^

지난번 문의드린 대로 배터리 관련 부분 추가해서 테스트 중인데 (r1d2) rosservice call /battery_ststus "{}"를 해도 응답으로 volt: 0.0 SOC: 0.0 current: 0.0 이렇게 나오네요. 제가 수정한 내용 확인 부탁드립니다.

  1. omo_r1_bringup/srv 에 Battery.srv 추가

  2. omo_r1_bringup/CMakeLists.txt 수정

3) omo_r1_bringup/nodes/omo_r1_motor_node.py 수정(수정한 부분은 “#추가” 부분입니다)

#!/usr/bin/env python

original source code → https://github.com/omorobot/omoros

modified by Bishop Pearson

import sys
import rospy
import math
from time import sleep
from omo_r1_packet_handler import PacketHandler
from omo_r1d2_packet_handler import PacketHandler2

from sensor_msgs.msg import Imu, JointState
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist, Pose, Point, Vector3, Quaternion
from tf.broadcaster import TransformBroadcaster
from tf.transformations import quaternion_from_euler, euler_from_quaternion
from omo_r1_bringup.srv import ResetOdom, ResetOdomResponse
from omo_r1_bringup.srv import Battery, BatteryResponse #추가

class OdomPose(object):
x = 0.0
y = 0.0
theta = 0.0
timestamp = 0
pre_timestamp = 0

class OdomVel(object):
x = 0.0
y = 0.0
w = 0.0

class Joint(object):
joint_name = [‘wheel_left_joint’, ‘wheel_right_joint’]
joint_pos = [0.0, 0.0]
joint_vel = [0.0, 0.0]

class RobotConfig(object):
body_circumference = 0 # circumference length of robot for spin in place
wheel_separation = 0.0 # Default Vehicle width in mm
wheel_radius = 0.0 # Wheel radius
wheel_circumference = 0 # Wheel circumference
max_lin_vel_wheel = 0.0 # Maximum speed can be applied to each wheel (mm/s)
max_lin_vel_x = 0 # Speed limit for vehicle (m/s)
max_ang_vel_z = 0 # Rotational Speed limit for vehicle (rad/s)

encoder_gear_ratio = 0
encoder_step = 0
encoder_pulse_per_wheel_rev = 0
encoder_pulse_per_gear_rev = 0

class OMOR1MotorNode:
def init(self):
self.odom_mode = rospy.get_param(“~odom_mode”, “wheel_only”)
self.model_name = rospy.get_param(“~model_name”, “r1”)
self.tf_prefix = rospy.get_param(“~tf_prefix”, “”)
# Open serial port
if self.model_name == ‘r1’:
self.ph = PacketHandler()
self.ph.incomming_info = [‘QENCOD’, ‘QODO’, ‘QDIFFV’, ‘0’, ‘0’]
elif self.model_name == ‘r1d2’:
self.ph = PacketHandler2()
self.ph.incomming_info = [‘ODO’, ‘VW’, “POSE”, “GYRO”]
self.ph.battery_state = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] #추가
self.ph.update_battery_state() #추가
self.use_gyro = rospy.get_param(“/use_imu_during_odom_calc/use_imu”)
else :
rospy.loginfo(‘Entered model name:{} is not supported!’.format(self.model_name))

  # Storaging
  self.odom_pose = OdomPose()
  self.odom_vel = OdomVel()
  self.joint = Joint() 

  self.enc_left_tot_prev, self.enc_right_tot_prev = 0.0, 0.0   
  self.enc_offset_left, self.enc_offset_right = 0.0, 0.0

  self.is_enc_offset_set = False
  self.is_imu_offset_set = False
  self.orientation = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
  self.last_theta = 0.0

  # Set vehicle specific configurations
  self.config = RobotConfig()
  self.config.wheel_separation = 0.591
  self.config.wheel_radius = 0.11
  self.config.max_lin_vel_wheel = 1200.0
  self.config.max_lin_vel_x = 1.2
  self.config.max_ang_vel_z = 1.0
  self.config.encoder_pulse_per_gear_rev = 1000
  self.config.encoder_gear_ratio = 15
  self.config.body_circumference = self.config.wheel_separation * math.pi
  self.config.wheel_circumference = self.config.wheel_radius * 2 * math.pi
  self.config.encoder_pulse_per_wheel_rev = self.config.encoder_pulse_per_gear_rev * self.config.encoder_gear_ratio * 4
  self.config.encoder_step = self.config.wheel_circumference / self.config.encoder_pulse_per_wheel_rev

  rospy.loginfo('Wheel Track:{:.2f}m, Radius:{:.3f}m'.format(self.config.wheel_separation, self.config.wheel_radius))
  rospy.loginfo('Platform Rotation arc length: {:04f}m'.format(self.config.body_circumference))
  rospy.loginfo('Wheel circumference: {:04f}m'.format(self.config.wheel_circumference))
  rospy.loginfo('Encoder step: {:04f}m/pulse'.format(self.config.encoder_step))
  rospy.loginfo('Encoder pulses per wheel rev: {:.2f} pulses/rev'.format(self.config.encoder_pulse_per_wheel_rev))
  #rospy.loginfo('Serial port: %s', self.port_handler.get_port_name())

  # subscriber
  rospy.Subscriber(self.tf_prefix+"/cmd_vel", Twist, self.cbSubCmdVelTMsg, queue_size=1)        # command velocity data subscriber
  rospy.Subscriber(self.tf_prefix+"/imu", Imu, self.cbSubIMUTMsg, queue_size=1)                 # imu data subscriber

  # publisher
  self.pub_joint_states = rospy.Publisher(self.tf_prefix+'/joint_states', JointState, queue_size=10)
  self.odom_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.tf_prefix+"/odom", Odometry, queue_size=10)
  self.odom_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()
  self.pub_pose = rospy.Publisher(self.tf_prefix+"/pose", Pose, queue_size=1000)

  # Service
  rospy.Service(self.tf_prefix+'/reset_odom', ResetOdom, self.reset_odom_handle)
  rospy.Service('battery_ststus', Battery, self.battery_service_handle)                       **#추가**
  # timer
  rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.01), self.cbTimerUpdateDriverData) # 10 hz update
  #self.odom_pose.timestamp = rospy.Time.now().to_nsec()
  self.odom_pose.timestamp = rospy.Time.now().to_nsec()
  self.odom_pose.pre_timestamp = rospy.Time.now()

def reset_odometry(self):
self.is_enc_offset_set = False
self.is_imu_offset_set = False

  self.joint.joint_pos = [0.0, 0.0]
  self.joint.joint_vel = [0.0, 0.0]

def update_odometry(self, odo_l, odo_r, trans_vel, orient_vel, vel_z):
odo_l /= 1000.
odo_r /= 1000.
trans_vel /= 1000.
orient_vel /= 1000.

  self.odom_pose.timestamp = rospy.Time.now()
  dt = (self.odom_pose.timestamp - self.odom_pose.pre_timestamp).to_sec()
  self.odom_pose.pre_timestamp = self.odom_pose.timestamp

  if self.use_gyro:
     self.calc_yaw.wheel_ang += orient_vel * dt
     self.odom_pose.theta = self.calc_yaw.calc_filter(vel_z*math.pi/180., dt)
     rospy.loginfo('R1mini state : whl pos %1.2f, %1.2f, gyro : %1.2f, whl odom : %1.2f, robot theta : %1.2f', 
                       odo_l, odo_r, vel_z,
                       self.odom_pose.theta*180/math.pi )
     self.odom_pose.theta += orient_vel * dt
     #rospy.loginfo('R1mini state : wheel pos %s, %s, speed %s, %s',
     #                odo_l, odo_r, trans_vel, orient_vel)

  d_x = trans_vel * math.cos(self.odom_pose.theta) 
  d_y = trans_vel * math.sin(self.odom_pose.theta) 

  self.odom_pose.x += d_x * dt
  self.odom_pose.y += d_y * dt

  odom_orientation_quat = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, self.odom_pose.theta)

  self.odom_vel.x = trans_vel
  self.odom_vel.y = 0.
  self.odom_vel.w = orient_vel

  odom = Odometry()
  odom.header.frame_id = self.tf_prefix+"/odom"
  odom.child_frame_id = self.tf_prefix+"/base_footprint"

  self.odom_broadcaster.sendTransform((self.odom_pose.x, self.odom_pose.y, 0.), 
                                         odom_orientation_quat, self.odom_pose.timestamp, 
                                         odom.child_frame_id, odom.header.frame_id)

  odom.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
  odom.pose.pose = Pose(Point(self.odom_pose.x, self.odom_pose.y, 0.), Quaternion(*odom_orientation_quat))
  odom.twist.twist = Twist(Vector3(self.odom_vel.x, self.odom_vel.y, 0), Vector3(0, 0, self.odom_vel.w))


def updatePoseStates(self, roll, pitch, yaw):
#Added to publish pose orientation of IMU
pose = Pose()
pose.orientation.x = roll
pose.orientation.y = pitch
pose.orientation.z = yaw

def updateJointStates(self, odo_l, odo_r, trans_vel, orient_vel):
odo_l /= 1000.
odo_r /= 1000.

  wheel_ang_left = odo_l / self.wheel_radius
  wheel_ang_right = odo_r / self.wheel_radius

  wheel_ang_vel_left = (trans_vel - (self.wheel_base / 2.0) * orient_vel) / self.wheel_radius
  wheel_ang_vel_right = (trans_vel + (self.wheel_base / 2.0) * orient_vel) / self.wheel_radius

  self.joint.joint_pos = [wheel_ang_left, wheel_ang_right]
  self.joint.joint_vel = [wheel_ang_vel_left, wheel_ang_vel_right]

  joint_states = JointState()
  joint_states.header.frame_id = self.tf_prefix+"/base_link"
  joint_states.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
  joint_states.name = self.joint.joint_name
  joint_states.position = self.joint.joint_pos
  joint_states.velocity = self.joint.joint_vel
  joint_states.effort = []


def cbTimerUpdateDriverData(self, event):
if self.model_name == ‘r1d2’:
odo_l = self.ph._wodom[0]
odo_r = self.ph._wodom[1]
trans_vel = self.ph._vel[0]
orient_vel = self.ph._vel[1]
vel_z = self.ph._gyro[2]
roll_imu = self.ph._imu[0]
pitch_imu = self.ph._imu[1]
yaw_imu = self.ph._imu[2]
rospy.loginfo(‘V= {}, W= {}, odo_l: {} odo_r:{} gyro_z:{}’.format(trans_vel, orient_vel, odo_l, odo_r, vel_z))
self.update_odometry(odo_l, odo_r, trans_vel, orient_vel, vel_z)
self.updateJointStates(odo_l, odo_r, trans_vel, orient_vel)
self.updatePoseStates(roll_imu, pitch_imu, yaw_imu)
else :
lin_vel_x = self.ph.get_base_velocity()[0]
ang_vel_z = self.ph.get_base_velocity()[1]

     odom_left_wheel = float(self.ph.get_wheel_odom()[0])
     odom_right_wheel = float(self.ph.get_wheel_odom()[1])
     #rospy.loginfo('V= {}, W= {}, odo_l: {} odo_r:{}'.format(lin_vel_x, ang_vel_z,odom_left_wheel, odom_right_wheel))
     rpm_left_wheel = int(self.ph.get_wheel_rpm()[0])
     rpm_right_wheel = int(self.ph.get_wheel_rpm()[1])

     lin_vel_left_wheel = int(self.ph.get_wheel_velocity()[0])
     lin_vel_right_wheel = int(self.ph.get_wheel_velocity()[1])

     enc_left_now = self.ph.get_wheel_encoder()[0]
     enc_right_now = self.ph.get_wheel_encoder()[1]
     #rospy.loginfo('enc_l: {} enc_r:{}'.format(enc_left_now, enc_right_now))

     if self.is_enc_offset_set == False:
        self.enc_offset_left = enc_left_now
        self.enc_offset_right = enc_right_now
        self.is_enc_offset_set = True
     enc_left_tot = enc_left_now - self.enc_offset_left
     enc_right_tot = enc_right_now - self.enc_offset_right

     if self.odom_mode == "wheel_only":
        self.updatePoseUsingWheel(enc_left_tot, enc_right_tot)

     if self.odom_mode == "using_imu":
        self.updatePoseUsingIMU(enc_left_tot, enc_right_tot)
     self.updateJointStates(enc_left_tot, enc_right_tot, lin_vel_left_wheel, lin_vel_right_wheel)

def cbSubIMUTMsg(self, imu_msg):
self.orientation[0] = imu_msg.orientation.x
self.orientation[1] = imu_msg.orientation.y
self.orientation[2] = imu_msg.orientation.z
self.orientation[3] = imu_msg.orientation.w

def cbSubCmdVelTMsg(self, cmd_vel_msg):
lin_vel_x = cmd_vel_msg.linear.x
ang_vel_z = cmd_vel_msg.angular.z

  lin_vel_x = max(-self.config.max_lin_vel_x, min(self.config.max_lin_vel_x, lin_vel_x))
  ang_vel_z = max(-self.config.max_ang_vel_z, min(self.config.max_ang_vel_z, ang_vel_z))

  if self.model_name == 'r1':
     angular_speed_left_wheel = (lin_vel_x - (self.config.wheel_separation / 2.0) * ang_vel_z) / self.config.wheel_radius
     angular_speed_right_wheel = (lin_vel_x + (self.config.wheel_separation / 2.0) * ang_vel_z) / self.config.wheel_radius
     self.ph.write_wheel_velocity(angular_speed_left_wheel * self.config.wheel_radius * 1000, angular_speed_right_wheel * self.config.wheel_radius * 1000)
  elif self.model_name == 'r1d2':
     self.ph.write_base_velocity(lin_vel_x*1000, ang_vel_z*1000)
     #self.ph.write_wheel_velocity(angular_speed_left_wheel * self.config.wheel_radius * 1000, 
     #                           angular_speed_right_wheel * self.config.wheel_radius * 1000)

def updatePoseUsingWheel(self, enc_left_tot, enc_right_tot):
enc_left_diff = enc_left_tot - self.enc_left_tot_prev
enc_right_diff = enc_right_tot - self.enc_right_tot_prev
self.enc_left_tot_prev = enc_left_tot
self.enc_right_tot_prev = enc_right_tot

  timestamp_now = rospy.Time.now()
  timestamp_now_nsec = timestamp_now.to_nsec()
  d_time = (timestamp_now_nsec - self.odom_pose.timestamp) / 1000000000.0
  self.odom_pose.timestamp = timestamp_now_nsec

  d_s = (enc_left_diff + enc_right_diff) * self.config.encoder_step / 2.0

  b_l = enc_left_diff * self.config.encoder_step
  b_r = enc_right_diff * self.config.encoder_step

  r = (b_r + b_l) / 2.0
  d_theta = (b_r - b_l) / self.config.wheel_separation

  self.odom_pose.theta += d_theta
  self.odom_pose.x += math.cos(self.odom_pose.theta) * r
  self.odom_pose.y += math.sin(self.odom_pose.theta) * r

  self.odom_vel.x = d_s / d_time
  self.odom_vel.y = 0.0
  self.odom_vel.w = d_theta / d_time

  parent_frame_id = self.tf_prefix+"/odom"
  child_frame_id = self.tf_prefix+"/base_footprint"

  odom_orientation_quat = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, self.odom_pose.theta)
  self.odom_broadcaster.sendTransform((self.odom_pose.x, self.odom_pose.y, 0.), odom_orientation_quat, timestamp_now, child_frame_id, parent_frame_id)
  odom = Odometry()
  odom.header.stamp = timestamp_now
  odom.header.frame_id = parent_frame_id
  odom.child_frame_id = child_frame_id
  odom.pose.pose = Pose(Point(self.odom_pose.x, self.odom_pose.y, 0.), Quaternion(*odom_orientation_quat))
  odom.twist.twist = Twist(Vector3(self.odom_vel.x, self.odom_vel.y, 0), Vector3(0, 0, self.odom_vel.w))

def updatePoseUsingIMU(self, enc_left_tot, enc_right_tot):
enc_left_diff = enc_left_tot - self.enc_left_tot_prev
enc_right_diff = enc_right_tot - self.enc_right_tot_prev
self.enc_left_tot_prev = enc_left_tot
self.enc_right_tot_prev = enc_right_tot

  timestamp_now = rospy.Time.now()
  timestamp_now_nsec = timestamp_now.to_nsec()
  d_time = (timestamp_now_nsec - self.odom_pose.timestamp) / 1000000000.0
  self.odom_pose.timestamp = timestamp_now_nsec

  d_s = (enc_left_diff + enc_right_diff) * self.config.encoder_step / 2.0

  euler = euler_from_quaternion((self.orientation[0], self.orientation[1], self.orientation[2], self.orientation[3]))
  theta = euler[2]

  if self.is_imu_offset_set == False:
     self.last_theta = theta
     self.is_imu_offset_set = True

  d_theta = theta - self.last_theta
  self.last_theta = theta

  self.odom_pose.x += d_s * math.cos(self.odom_pose.theta + (d_theta / 2.0))
  self.odom_pose.y += d_s * math.sin(self.odom_pose.theta + (d_theta / 2.0))
  self.odom_pose.theta += d_theta

  self.odom_vel.x = d_s / d_time
  self.odom_vel.y = 0.0
  self.odom_vel.w = d_theta / d_time

  parent_frame_id = self.tf_prefix+"/odom"
  child_frame_id = self.tf_prefix+"/base_footprint"

  odom_orientation_quat = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, self.odom_pose.theta)
  self.odom_broadcaster.sendTransform((self.odom_pose.x, self.odom_pose.y, 0.), odom_orientation_quat, timestamp_now, child_frame_id, parent_frame_id)
  odom = Odometry()
  odom.header.stamp = timestamp_now
  odom.header.frame_id = parent_frame_id
  odom.child_frame_id = child_frame_id
  odom.pose.pose = Pose(Point(self.odom_pose.x, self.odom_pose.y, 0.), Quaternion(*odom_orientation_quat))
  odom.twist.twist = Twist(Vector3(self.odom_vel.x, self.odom_vel.y, 0), Vector3(0, 0, self.odom_vel.w))

def updateJointStates(self, enc_left_tot, enc_right_tot, lin_vel_left_wheel, lin_vel_right_wheel):
wheel_ang_left = enc_left_tot * self.config.encoder_step / self.config.wheel_radius
wheel_ang_right = enc_right_tot * self.config.encoder_step / self.config.wheel_radius

  wheel_ang_vel_left = lin_vel_left_wheel * 0.001 / self.config.wheel_radius
  wheel_ang_vel_right = lin_vel_right_wheel * 0.001 / self.config.wheel_radius

  self.joint.joint_pos = [wheel_ang_left, wheel_ang_right]
  self.joint.joint_vel = [wheel_ang_vel_left, wheel_ang_vel_right]

  joint_states = JointState()
  joint_states.header.frame_id = self.tf_prefix+"/base_link"
  joint_states.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
  joint_states.name = self.joint.joint_name
  joint_states.position = self.joint.joint_pos
  joint_states.velocity = self.joint.joint_vel
  joint_states.effort = []


def reset_odom_handle(self, req):
self.odom_pose.x = req.x
self.odom_pose.y = req.y
self.odom_pose.theta = req.theta

  return ResetOdomResponse()

def battery_service_handle(self, req):

  bat_status = self.ph.battery_state
  if len(bat_status) == 3:
     volt = bat_status[0]*0.1
     SOC = bat_status[1]
     current = bat_status[2]*0.001
     return BatteryResponse(volt, SOC, current)
     rospy.logwarn("Battery Status is not correct.")

def main(self):

def del(self):
print(“terminating omo_r1_motor_node”)
rospy.loginfo(“Shutting down. velocity will be 0”)

if name == ‘main’:
node = OMOR1MotorNode()

4) omo_r1_bringup/nodes/omo_r1d2_packet_handler.py 수정 (수정한 부분은 "#추가"부분 입니다)

import serial
import rospy
import io
from time import sleep

class ReadLine:
def init(self, s):
self.buf = bytearray()
self.s = s

def readline(self):
i = self.buf.find(b"\n")
if i >= 0:
r = self.buf[:i+1]
self.buf = self.buf[i+1:]
return r
while True:
i = max(1, min(2048, self.s.in_waiting))
data = self.s.read(i)
i = data.find(b"\n")
if i >= 0:
r = self.buf + data[:i+1]
self.buf[0:] = data[i+1:]
return r

class PacketHandler2:
def init(self):
port_name = rospy.get_param(‘~port’, ‘/dev/ttyMotor’)
baud_rate = rospy.get_param(‘~baud’, 115200)
self._ser = serial.Serial(port_name, baud_rate)
self._ser_io = io.TextIOWrapper(io.BufferedRWPair(self._ser, self._ser, 1),
newline = ‘\r’, line_buffering = True)
self._rl = ReadLine(self._ser)
self.incomming_info = [‘ODO’, ‘VW’, ‘POSE’, ‘ACCL’, ‘GYRO’]
self._vel = [0.0, 0.0]
self._enc = [0.0, 0.0]
self._wodom = [0.0, 0.0]
self._rpm = [0.0, 0.0]
self._wvel = [0.0, 0.0]
self._gyro = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
self._imu = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
self.battery_state = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] #추가
rospy.loginfo(‘Serial port: %s’, port_name)
rospy.loginfo(‘Serial baud rate: %s’, baud_rate)

def set_periodic_info(self, param1):
    for idx, each in enumerate(self.incomming_info):
        #print("$cREGI," + str(idx) + "," + each)
        self.write_port("$cREGI," + str(idx) + "," + each)

    self.update_battery_state()               **#추가** 
    self.write_port("$cPERI," + str(param1))

def get_port_state(self):
    return self._ser.isOpen()
def read_port(self):
    return self._rl.readline()
def close_port(self):
    print("Port close")

def read_packet(self):
    if self.get_port_state() == True:
        whole_packet = self.read_port()
        if whole_packet:
            packet = whole_packet.split(",")
                header = packet[0].split("#")[1]
                if header.startswith('VW'):
                    self._vel = [int(packet[1]), int(packet[2])]
                elif header.startswith('ENCOD'):
                    self._enc = [int(packet[1]), int(packet[2])]
                elif header.startswith('ODO'):
                    self._wodom = [int(packet[1]), int(packet[2])]
                elif header.startswith('RPM'):
                    self._rpm = [int(packet[1]), int(packet[2])]
                elif header.startswith('DIFFV'):
                    self._wvel = [int(packet[1]), int(packet[2])]
                elif header.startswith('GYRO'):
                    self._gyro = [float(packet[1]), float(packet[2]), float(packet[3])]
                elif header.startswith('POSE'):
                    self._imu = [float(packet[1]), float(packet[2]), float(packet[3])]

def get_base_velocity(self):
    return self._vel

def get_wheel_encoder(self):
    return self._enc

def get_wheel_odom(self):
    return self._wodom

def get_wheel_rpm(self):
    return self._rpm

def get_wheel_velocity(self):
    return self._wvel

def write_periodic_query_enable(self, param):
    self.write_port("$cPEEN," + str(param))

def write_odometry_reset(self):

def update_battery_state(self):

def write_base_velocity(self, lin_vel, ang_vel):
    # lin_vel : mm/s, ang_vel : mrad/s
    self.write_port('$CVW,{:.0f},{:.0f}'.format(lin_vel, ang_vel))

def write_wheel_velocity(self, wheel_l_lin_vel, wheel_r_lin_vel):
    self.write_port('$CDIFFV,{:.0f},{:.0f}'.format(wheel_l_lin_vel, wheel_r_lin_vel))

def write_port(self, buffer):
    if self.get_port_state() == True:
        self._ser.write(buffer + "\r\n")