R1 라이더 관련 문의합니다

알려주셨던 yd라이더 로스 설치하고 sdk 설치하고 yd라이더 ros 드라이브 설치후 실행한 결과 아래와 같이 문제가 발생합니다.

기존 메뉴얼 실행법-> roslaunch omo_r1_bringup omo_r1_robot_G2.launch
yd라이더 깃허브에 잇는 실행법-> roslaunch ydlidar_ros G2.launch

기존 메뉴얼에 있던 실행법과 yd라이더 깃허브에 있는 실행 방법을 둘다 해도 똑같은 에러가 나옵니다.

실행 결과 →
… logging to /home/r1mini/.ros/log/824e9904-e7cf-11ec-ba24-988389dc59f6/roslaunch-omo-32206.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server



  • /omo_r1_motor_node/baud: 115200
  • /omo_r1_motor_node/modelName: r1
  • /omo_r1_motor_node/odom_mode: wheel_only
  • /omo_r1_motor_node/port: /dev/ttyMotor
  • /omo_r1_ydlidar/angle_max: 180.0
  • /omo_r1_ydlidar/angle_min: -180.0
  • /omo_r1_ydlidar/auto_reconnect: True
  • /omo_r1_ydlidar/baudrate: 230400
  • /omo_r1_ydlidar/frame_id: base_scan
  • /omo_r1_ydlidar/frequency: 10.0
  • /omo_r1_ydlidar/ignore_array:
  • /omo_r1_ydlidar/low_exposure: False
  • /omo_r1_ydlidar/port: /dev/ydlidar
  • /omo_r1_ydlidar/range_max: 16.0
  • /omo_r1_ydlidar/range_min: 0.1
  • /omo_r1_ydlidar/resolution_fixed: True
  • /omo_r1_ydlidar/reversion: True
  • /omo_r1_ydlidar/samp_rate: 5
  • /rosdistro: melodic
  • /rosversion: 1.14.12

omo_r1_motor_node (omo_r1_bringup/omo_r1_motor_node.py)
omo_r1_ydlidar (ydlidar_ros/ydlidar_node)


process[omo_r1_motor_node-1]: started with pid [32218]
process[omo_r1_ydlidar-2]: started with pid [32219]

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) |
| | | || | |__ | || || / ___ | _ <
| |/|__||/_/ __| _\

[ INFO] [1654766415.720726537]: [YDLIDAR INFO] Now YDLIDAR ROS SDK VERSION:1.4.6 …
YDLidar SDK initializing
YDLidar SDK has been initialized
[YDLIDAR]:SDK Version: 1.4.7
[CYdLidar] Error, cannot bind to the specified serial port[/dev/ydlidar] and baudrate[230400]
[CYdLidar::initialize] Error initializing YDLIDAR check Comms.
[ERROR] [1654766415.733594584]: Error initializing YDLIDAR Comms and Status!!!
[ INFO] [1654766416.233863446]: [YDLIDAR INFO] Now YDLIDAR is stopping …
[omo_r1_ydlidar-2] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/r1mini/.ros/log/824e9904-e7cf-11ec-ba24-988389dc59f6/omo_r1_ydlidar-2*.log
shutdown request: [/omo_r1_motor_node] Reason: new node registered with same name
[INFO] [1654766418.520784]: Wheel Track:0.59m, Radius:0.110m
[INFO] [1654766418.544558]: Platform Rotation arc length: 1.856681m
[INFO] [1654766418.601144]: Wheel circumference: 0.691150m
[INFO] [1654766418.609279]: Encoder step: 0.000012m/pulse
[INFO] [1654766418.616635]: Encoder pulses per wheel rev: 60000.00 pulses/rev
[INFO] [1654766418.624459]: Serial port: /dev/ttyMotor
terminating omo_r1_motor_node
[INFO] [1654766418.650446]: Shutting down. velocity will be 0
terminating omo_r1_motor_node
Exception AttributeError: “‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘loginfo’” in <bound method OMOR1MotorNode.del of <main.OMOR1MotorNode instance at 0x7f77d84a00>> ignored
[omo_r1_motor_node-1] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/r1mini/.ros/log/824e9904-e7cf-11ec-ba24-988389dc59f6/omo_r1_motor_node-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
shutting down processing monitor…
… shutting down processing monitor complete

에러 → [ERROR] [1654766415.733594584]: Error initializing YDLIDAR Comms and Status!!!

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제가 구미에서 학교를 다니고 잇어서 집적 찾아가는건 무리일것 같고 원격으로 가능 할까요?

그럼 우분투에서 원격에서 ssh 접속이 되는지 한번 확인해볼께요.